A whole bunch of of information that I probably didn't need to say about who I am and the sort of stuff I do.

/Who Utsanomiko
Utsanomiko is the nickname I have been using almost exclusively on the internet since around the beginning of 2002. Any work done on this website unless otherwise noted as a joint project (or for some reason someone else' work that I have opted to host for them, should it ever come to that) is done by me under this monicker, and references to myself here are usually done as 'Utsanomiko' or the simplified 'Uts'. I suppose I just maintain it out of habit and cultural expectations of the internet, and that I'm told signing my work with my real name breaks my momma's heart (I still tell her I play piano at a whorehouse). It means nothing or is it in any particular language, so don't assume otherwise. When asked where I got the name, I respond that I killed the original Utsanomiko and took his name for my own use.

Utsanomiko can be contacted at: Utsanomiko@Gmail.com

/Who Head Cancer Productions

Developed and first used in 2004, Head Cancer Productions isn't actually much more than a label for creative projects made by or in conjunction with Utsanomiko. The subdivision name Head Cancer Development is being used on my extensive but unorganized collection of unproduced game design documents, some of which I plan to use to promote my abilities, or possibly even produce (which, were it to occur at all, would more likely be done in some homebrew form by Head Cancer Productions itself, in conjunction with an aquired small team of dedicated programmers and artists). Even though it'll probably end up being more of a copyright hassle than its cute pseudo-professional image merits, I nonetheless continue with it here as the theme and name of my collection-of-work website. For now it's essentially interchangeable with myself. And yes, I know the site is really simple and visually uninteresting, and the adds on a free Tripod account are annoying and untargeted, but untill the site becomes bigger and traffic makes bandwidth an issue, I'm not investing monthly money into a place where I just keep my stuff viewable.

/Who James H. DeYarman II

James H. DeYarman II is myself, and presumably vice-versa. Born in January of 1984, I have so far lived exclusively in the vaguely-small town of Cedar Rapids, Iowa (excluding extended vacations and brief university stints, but even then it's the same ol' Iowa). I can be objectively described as 6'1" and dashingly good-looking, although I do have a fondness for maintaining a deathly-pale complexion and sinfully-amazing long hair. I guess I have a penchant for egotistical declarations, absurdism, and casual geekery, as well.
Starting in 1997, I have maintained a dark crusade to become a successful professional electronic game designer (which, as I have so far gathered from other people, involves either 'programming the internet and pinball machines' or turning our nation's youth into mindless satanic soldiers, earning myself a place in the zenith of Moral Midgetdom). I began my hobby of digital artistry at least as far back as 1999, where I was compositing and resizing images with Photoshop. I've built up my skills in the years since while producing work for my own amusement, expanding into various types of work and even some dabbling with video production and editing. My other interests include the aformentioned PC & video games, creative writing, model building & collectible figure repainting, and movies.
Asides from photoshopping, writing and design commissions, my services are also available for proms, bat mitzvas, LANs, and pizza-parties. My standard hours are eleven to seven, Mondays through Saturdays, I require accomodations of two standard power supply outlets for equipment, Dr Pepper or a similar supply of soft drinks, and I don't work well with small children or clowns.

/Who that weird baby-thing on various pages
It's not really there and you're simply imagining it.

© 2005, 2006 Head Cancer Productions, James H. DeYarman II