April 16, 2006 (Sunday)
I'll save the details on my toy soldier model making nonsense (although I did get 16 Gaunts built with minor sculpted extras added to half of them), as I did in fact put together something that's actually worth putting up on my site. It seems to be some kind of poster, so I put it up in the Posters Gallery.
Thought for the day: Seven hours of labor is a lot more fulfilling when you get paid more than twenty bucks for your time. I couldn't even get a dollar for most of those terrain pieces I made, and I put more than an hour into each one. Oh well, maybe I'll just stick with making plain green styrafoam hills like those people who auction them off for $20.

April 2, 2006 (Saturday)
Yeah, that comic was miserable. And not in a good way. April Fools. Of course the real dilemma, as for any who fell for the joke, is should I consider the ruse to have been cleverly well-assembled, intentional garbage, or dispair from the notion nobody noticed it was any different from my normal efforts? Oh well, I didn't have fooling in mind when I slapped it out, I just wanted people to look at it and go 'why the hell did I just look at that?' and waste time wondering if it's supposed to be funny or awful. It's neither; it's to waste your time and effort, and the culmination of enough people looking at it should compensate me for creating it. I win again.
But anyhow, it does remind me a little of a comic I drafted and began writing back in March 2003, at least like a retarded puppet version. I made some mind-numbingly difficult efforts to draw it myself, but I lacked any ability to draw beyond laborious, unpracticed technical assembling, let alone a style to take advantage of my visual design capabilities. In shorter words: it sucked, MS Paint-style, not nearly as crude as my joke comic but twice as difficult. The style is overproduced, unappealing, and not even simple to do. Any artwork that I create subsequently will need to be relatively quick and painless to do from scratch, and of course rely on techniques I know or can pick up. I could replicate a paper cutout style pretty well, or develop a means to draft subjects with geomatric shapes. I can probably use the beginning of summer to study up on the necessary basics (not the basic basics, though; I've stared at my hand for hours and it hasn't improved my ability to draw when not looking, can we move on now without skipping to intermediate figure sketching?). The fancy-pantsed artsy otherkin world of drawing better have room for me, 'cause I'm bringing my polygonal lasso.

April 1, 2006 (Friday)
I've started a webcomic series I haven't created a section for it yet but I'm so eager to make it I've put it here. It's really fresh and unique.

March 23, 2006 (Thursday)
Another two weeks, another damnable 40k Tyranid brood painted. Updating was easier when it was all edited posters and coloration stuff. Oh well, it's not like I'm doing nothing; I've got these fancy
Tyranid Genestealers completed, with extra shoulder armor to boot. The full unit contains six of them, but they're all pretty much identical except for arm poses (which weren't exactly as 'snap-fit' as claimed; I spent almost as much effort gluing those BfM bugs as removing flash).

I have additionally uploaded a little animated .gif I cleaned up and placed in the Misc Gallery. Aint he cute? Look at him go.

March 07, 2006 (Tuesday)
This time I do have something to show off, although not any of the things I mentioned two weeks ago. I'm proud enough of the time and effort spent on these items to show my sorry face here again without any apologetics: Tyranid Termagaunts. I picked up the Battle for Macragge 40k starter set for $10 (I was willing to pay $22; it's got some great items asides from the miniatures and terrain, which can be sold for a decent chunk of the box price), along with three other boxes of Tyranids for about $22, and decided to paint them up first for practice. I should get around to creating another Gallery section for all these physical items I've been inexplicably making, but for now I'll just point out they've been done with acryllics, mostly Citadel paints but there's a black and a basic 'asphaltum' dark brown ArtDeco craft paint for basecoating and washes. The skin was painted in bubonic brown (there's a lot of surface to paint on six-limbed aliens), then given a dark brown wash, with bleached bone applied as highlights. The shell simply has a black wash and with highlights drybrushed using vomit brown. This photo has its colors a bit fnorked up, unlike the first image's dead-on lighting, but this close-up picked up a bunch of details quite well (perhaps too well? Its body is only the size of the end of my thumb, afterall).

That's all for now, I will try to get something proper viewable in the meantime. And remember, folks: When someone on the internet teases you, roleplay your retort with something like "*hits you with a hundred photon clown hammers and ionized laser-beams*"; it helps hide the fact you have the sense of humor of a dead toad.

February 23, 2006 (Thursday)
Another delay, and nothing really new to show for it. I *did* actually make a second prototype for the 'product' mentioned on 01/19, but I'll have to relocate it for photographs this weekend or something. Anything James DeYarman makes out of cardboard with paper glued to its surface never seems to stay in his hands for very long, as some can attest.
Anywhodizzle, just to show I've been relatively busy, I've got a pair of photos of some wargame terrain I've made this month. I completed a set of six razorwire barriers last week and glued the final parts last week, while this week I've glued, textured, and painted a set of six concrete tank traps, though three of them still need final coats of paint at the moment. I've also got a ruined building that needs its base painted, and once I do some planning and gather materials I can create some hills, barricades, and other such stuff. I will try to get some more stuff for viewing or reading in the following month, although I only get a couple hundred pageviews a month either way.

Thought for the day: The Emperor knows just how terrible your belly-button smells.

January 23, 2006 (Monday)
I've modified the Chatper symbol for the Happiness Patrol. After some extensive thinking, I've realized that my only major issue with the plausibility of their creed was the face on the heart. My issue wasn't with the heart itself: The Lamenters use heart symbols and even the Blood Angels Chapter banner itself displays a black heart on Sanguinius' red robes, so that bit has been perfectly in line even before I knew who Sanguinius was. It's the pie-wedged eyes and ever-so-jolly smile that simply could not be rationalized to fit with in the Imperium. Heck, I don't even think it fit with the overall degree of the Chapter's character, which I feel is too dual-edged and ambiguous for such. So I weighted the possibility of removing them and leaving a simple heart outline, versus filling the space with something else. I think I pulled off a good compromise; it's simple but distinct, uses Blood Angels iconography, and represents a 'face' without looking like some 2-bit mass-marketed mascot.

That's it for now, folks. In the meantime, while a small part of me appreciates the thought, I really don't need to see pictures with MS Paint text, and as for everyone else: please stop mailing me Spanish jokes and chain letters. I've deleted over a dozen of them by now and have yet to see a single ghost.

January 21, 2006 (Saturday)
Yowza! Guess who's birthday it is today!?
*Miiiiine!* [^_^]
...Yeah, so I didn't do anything today. At least not for you.

January 19, 2006 (Thursday)
Just to confirm I haven't been avoiding doing new projects like some stupid, repulsive anteater, I'm posting a couple examples of my latest stuff. Pretty much more of the same subject as last time, although I'd say it's a couple steps above my previous colorizations. I've learned a lot more new shading techniques and have been using them while working on WH40k-related material. I also picked up the latest editions of Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Blood Angels (I printed out the Blood angels 4.1 FAQ and included those pages in the back) and have been reading them with the convenience of the physical medium. Best part is I bought them for 9 bucks total. They've helped me to polish up my DIY Chapter a bit and take time to clarify some descriptions to be clearer and more compatable with official material, so I've subsequently updated my last update. I'm even thinking of writing up a full article about their backstory (didn't I say I was going to write another article first? Um, heh-heh...). So once again, I've popped those coloring examples into the Gaming Gallery.
Asides from that, this month Head Cancer Productions made its very first physical 'product'. I created the art for a gag item package using graphics made from scratch and photographed by me, printed them out, and mounted them onto a box with a hand-assembled cardboard insert. I gave the prototype away as a gift, but I'll be posting photos of a second one not too long from now (it's generated quite a bit of interest and demand, evidently). I'll try to give myself the time to look for more images to add or descriptions to expand (like the Freedom Force hero skins, which have several more images that demonstrate some character-themed powers). Or articles to finish writing...

January 01, 2006 (Sunday)
Whoa, I have a website? I'm sure plenty of other people forgot I did, but I was merely preoccupied for the last 3 weeks. Most of that involved reading and researching Warhammer 40,000, followed by perparations and celebrations of that one holiday with tons of presents. And damn, did I get a lot of presents; I love discounts and layaways. So here I am now, showing off one of the few fruits of labor in the meantime; a fairly nifty coloring and shading project I did of one of my do-it-yerself Space Marine Chapters. Just like all those other putzes on the net, only mine is inherently cooler and better-made (well, except for those guys at GW. Man, they've got some nice texturing). I didn't want to overdo the highlights with my beginner's level of skill, but I lightened the reddish-black a bit to compensate on showing details. Check it out in the Gaming Gallery. if you want to see it or humor me.
I've got the Happiness Patrol's full custom chapter form in a completed state, as well as screenshots of it and other custom DoW army colors (including Orks, whose banners I drew and weathered to look almost identical to the way the default ones look), but I shall have to add them at a later date. For now I'm busy with other projects...
...Most of which mostly involve playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

December 06, 2005 (Tuesday)
First thing's first: New image in the Misc Gallery. If you can't remember Herr Burgermeister (even if I shout "there vill be NO! MORE! TOYS!"), you'll probably miss the real hilarity of it. Or perhaps I'm the one missing the real lack of hilarity? Oh well, I'll just have to wait 'till I'm ALOD'ed and my bandwidth craps out to determine the answer.
Secondly, I've finally got a table set up for painting and have additionally resumed work on my Alt. Sunstreaker transformer. It's still only halfway done, but as soon as I can get the legs, forearms, and spoiler separated for painting most of the hassle will be out of my way and I can start on Wheeljack and Windcharger.

December 02, 2005 (Friday)
Actually this is written early on Saturday, but who knows when the news is supposed to go up around here? I'm just the guy who writes and adds crap. And speaking of which, I got a video pirate image, which I made myself the other day. For all our video-piratin' needs. It aint much but it's new, and I'll keep it here untill I feel like putting it in the Misc Gallery. So I guess print it out and put it on your fancy rig or whatever, or Gmail me nicely and coherently and I'll make you one with a size ration or different top text. Ya-har.

November 29, 2005 (Tuesday)
See? I told you I could do updates. No worries, no problems *pats himself on the back*. I added two entries to the Game-related Gallery of game-related images I made in the past. I wrote their descriptions whilst enjoying a frozen margarita, so feel free to notify me of any spelling errors or quirky grammar if you spot them (You won't get any gold stars for the effort though, sadly. Maybe I'll give out a "right-o, Slapnuts!", but only if my buzz is still on).
On that note, before I get any photoshop requests further now, I should make I clear that I will not take any suggestions on editing photos of your fat mom to make her less fat. Just too much work.
Keep an eye out for another similar update this week while I pretend I'm not avoiding any article-writing. Well, maybe not too similar *Licks salt off the rim of a margarita glass*.

November 27, 2005 (Sunday)
Absolutely nothing new for the website I'm afraid. Naturally, I have nobody to blame but everyone else around me. I honestly spent very little time on the computer during the week of Thanksgiving, and didn't feel like using my time to write HTML and image descriptions. So with any luck or effort I'll be sure to add a few images or writings (screenshots of custom Dawn of War chapters, some old banner, that damn article I've been slowly touching, etc).

November 10, 2005 (Thursday)
After two or three days of casual work on an article and some puttering around in Photoshop, I took Thursday off and did less than usual. Anyway, that article still has another good 60% to be typed out and I'll have to do some brainstorming on maybe a quarter of that chunk. So to tide the ravenous mobs over for now, I've slapped a colorized Rei Ayanami lineart at the bottom of the Misc Gallery. You'll have to scroll down to it by yourself; I aint your mother.

November 7, 2005 (Monday)
Don't quite recall much of today, at least the time between uploading the About Me page late last night and writing entries for my two Mobile Suit Gundam unit charts early this evening. I must have been... elsewhere.
I seem to have additionally made myself a list of article and photo essay ideas, which I could start working on soon. I've been trying to upload one previously-done item per day from the collection of ones on my computer, but perhaps I should slow that down a bit whilst I work on providing more immediate new content (so far I've only done the 'Mort Walker Is Nuts' pic and the new Porrasturvat poster exclusively for this site). Perhaps one new article, game outline, or new photoshop project per week would be a good rate to set myself at.

November 6, 2005 (Sunday)
I must admit that I spent yesterday (which I recall being Nov. 5th) not really doing anything, at least in my backwards sense of being home and doing stuff on the computer. I chose to forego such lively & more-interesting activities in favor of a day of hanging out with my visiting sister and brother-in-law, which included:
-Going to the local mall and discover previously-unexperienced experiences like visting stores selling nothing but soap, observing the merchandise in Spencers, and purchasing a used copy of Super Marios 64 (whose cartridge turned out to be shamefully grimy).
-Going out for lunch for pizza at an establishment that surprisingly maintains arcade machines of Mortal Kombat II and Smash TV (I guess that could be considered interesting).
-Returning home to talk, partake in Black Cherry Twist Smirnoffs, and play a couple quick rounds of classic gaming like Atari's Combat and Outlaw, and Nintendo 64's Goldeneye.
-Going out to dinner for Mexican food and frozen margaritas. Not to sound like I'm preparing for a montage set to Bad to the Bone, but I don't usually consume this much alchohol in one evening...
Finally after that, I went with a friend to Collins Road Theaters' midnight showing of Back to the Future. For those fans of the series out there, take note that the date Marty travels back to- the day Doc Brown invents time travel- was November 5th, 1955. Say what you want about my town's selection of activities, but for a theater to be showing Back to the Future on the 50th anniversary of the date its important event takes place is pretty damn awesome.

As for today, I have gotten back on track with a more appropriate schedule of:
-Sleeping in past noon, chiefly in a half-awake state of dreaming randomly bizzare trains of thought.
-Visiting my regular forums while reading Somethnig Awful articles.
-Pacing the house while mumbling randomly bizzare trains of thought.
Although I should point out that yesterday I did manage to play some Super Mario 64 for the first time in years, once cleaning up its shamefully grimy cartridge untill the case was the proper color and the contacts were unmarred enough to work. (word of advice to the scuzzy young adults selling their old games they kept on a Kool Aid-stained floor under Hardees wrappers back when they were just scuzzy little kids: you suck. Clean your damn stuff before selling it). So all was not lost for this weekend. I'll see about posting a description for 1-2 more misc images and finally getting that ever-important About Me page typed and functioning.

November 4, 2005 (Friday)
Well, after one seemigly-short week I've got most of the site up and running and promoted for all my peeps to oficially check out. I finished up the Misc. Gallery, added some extra pics to the other sections, and created the Articles & Essays page last night, and today mostly involved assembling the News section. There's also been some links to Head Cancer on my old project pages since yesterday, so I'm sure a few people already stumbled upon this mess in progress.
So other than the About Me section (to sum up my internet self, my private self, and this whole Head Cancer nonsense, but it's not like anyone wants to hear that junk), it's pretty much a matter of me staying on the task of filling up the existing sections with more material, especially with writing new articles, new high-quality photoshops, and actual presentable game design document overviews. I've got a few more random images I could upload (I bet there's people out there wondering things like "hey, where's that one pic of that guy in a monkey costume and the fridge? You should put that one up!"), and about 38mb of short movies I'll have to wonder where I ever could host them.
Then there's still my Transformers Project Page with repaints I need to finish and that comic I've been begged to continue (It's nearly gotten to the point where it's actually costing money). Oh well, I'll sort it all out somehow.

October 31, 2005 (Monday)
Opened up Notepad late this evening and started churning out HTML for my long-planned Head Cancer Productions website (I was originally going to spend that night playing World of Warcraft, but I guess I got side-tracked). The main purpose of the site is to give me a place where I can keep all the various projects of mine organized and available for viewing in one single place. It's also to eventually promote my abilities, generate interest, and possibly land me in some project for creative writing or design (paid big-time professional project or fan-made small team freeware, I'll go up as many steps as I can reach). So what I've got is a whole bunch of different things I've written, deisgned, directed, visually composited, and who knows what else all waiting to pack onto here for everyone's intellectual/sensory pleasure and overload.


(Oh hush, now you're just being a nuisance. -Uts)

© 2005, 2006 Head Cancer Productions, James H. DeYarman II