Gaming contains game artwork I've done, but isn't always just an edited image. This section primarily contains portraits and skins I've made or modified from default sources, but thrown in are also compositions that are video game-themed.
Click on the thumbnails for full-sized images.

Max Payne Cutscenes
I did two comics spoofing the Max Payne style back when I played the game for a short while. I took the concept of over-the-top metaphors and went to town with them. Kudos to my brother for thinking up "dagger-wielding butterflies." The second 'Groceries' comic is a crack at just how much Max looks like he has a face for game developing in most cutscene images (Which I guess would mean I don't have a face for game developing at all... Ruh-roh).

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Self Skins
The only thing better than playing GTA: Vice City back in 2003 and doing whatever the hell I wanted was playing GTA: Vice City back in 2003 and doing whatever the hell I wanted looking just like myself. Once I beat the game's last story mission, I went and downloaded about a dozen decent skins (nothing too drastic, almost all just different clothing and slight face/hair differences), pieced together the sort of outfit I'd wear from several skins, and then recolored them into a black buttoned shirt over a white T-shirt, bluejeans, and black sneakers. The skin file itself still lists who originally made what, I recall. Anyway, at that point I thought it was pretty spiffy and customized, but then I said to myself "self, you've got a bunch of digital photos of you on your harddrive; why not give this model your own face and hair?" I replied back that it was a damn-fine idea.

So I cut out the individual facial elements from a straight-on portrait (eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, hair, etc. I got some additional hair and cheek elements from an almost-profile shot) and placed/stretched them into the proper places on the skin so they'd fit on the mesh. There was a lot of airbrushing and stamping involved to blend them all together seamlessly, and the ears and hair required some mixing with the original skin (a blonde & tanned recolor of the Tommy head). I had to draw on the glasses, the hair was too short even back then, and some of the jawline is off thanks to Tommy Big-Chin, but I think the likeness is uncanny for being a CG ragdoll. And I should know; I smugly grin at that face every morning in the mirror.

E.T. Atari Gameplay Animation
"It was nothing like that, penis-breath!"
No, but the game was.

Bad Dudes "Bad Jedi" Parody
A Star Wars spin on the classic Bad Dudes NES game plot screen. "Robots" is funnier than "droids", so I stuck with that. I tried to achieve an 8-bit look for the background and characters, but no amount of pixelating, mosaics, resizing, or color-palette reductions I tried resulted in anything pleasant. I don't have an iota of art talent for the touch-ups and redrawing required, so I left it with simple colors and contrast and figured the text could handle the rest.

Warhammer 40,000 Banner
I love Dawn of War, I love that quote, and I love Dreadnoughts. So anyhow I managed to take a screencap of a trio of Dreadnoughts though the smoke and flamage and put that banner together for my own use.

Freedom Force Skins: Strong Bad & the Sogmaster
Check it out, it's the most awesome internet villain, paired up with the most awesome breakfast cereal villain!

Star Wars: The MMORPG Strikes Back Comic
Back when I played Star Wars: Galaxies, I had the idea of doing a short comic series parodying the game by applying factors of gameplay to scenes from the movies. This is first and only one I completed, as the process of collecting the right game and film screen-captures was excessive and took too much time, and I was losing too much interest in the game by then. I did at least keep a list of comic ideas I had thought up:
-During the Naboo waterfall scene in Ep II, Anakin and Padme are killed by a random Sharpnaut spawn.
-Streets of Mos Espa/Eisley littered with dozens of Stormtrooper bodies.
-Jango Fett /tell-hells Mace Windu for killing him due to a bugged jetpack/Jedi-exploiting/etc. Windu says all Jango did was span Eye-shot.
-Stormtroopers on the Tantive IV say 'LOL' and 'we pwned them' after Vader arrives.
-Han Solo licks an Imperial Staff Sergeant in the Endor Bunker.
-Qui-Gon and Anakin running on Tatooine (shot right before Darth Maul shows up) "Keep running Anakin! Our mount auto-stored and the nearest town is 5km away!"
-Amidala's infiltration of the palace (near end of Ep I) is interrupted by a newbie who keeps asking where the librarian is.
-During a meeting in the royal palace, the Queen of Naboo and her entourage are distracted by "a strange man outside the window killing gnorts with a sword".
-After entering Theed (early in Ep II), Anakin and Padme cannot hear eachother over all the advertisement-spam.
-Han Solo doesn't want to take Luke and Ben Kenobi off Tatooine, so he just tries to sell them spices and slices.
-The Rebels' attempt to sneak into the Endor base is wrecked by some guy busy killing Ewoks near the back door.

Star Wars: Galaxies Storm squad banner
Another Star Wars: Galaxies relic, this one I actually used on my guild's forums. on Scylla server, I played the low-profile character Stavis Reninheld in the guild Storm (Special Forces). We were a 'roleplay-lite' Imperial Stormtrooper guild, had an internal rank structure, and devised a default squad/platoon/company organization so everyone knew who to group with and who was giving orders in a raid (and who to follow if their leader was absent). I worked myself up to Staff Sergeant after about a month, putting me in the position to delegate orders to 3-4 other players and ensure we did the right thing at the right time.
"Blue Meanies" was the nickname I immediately decided to give the group, and this was the banner I subsequently made and stuck with, even after I became Lieutennant of the platoon. It seemed to catch on; most of the squad memebers used it at some point or another. The real treat of the banner to others and to myself still seems to be the quote, a modified line straight from The Yellow Submarine: "I haven't laughed this hard since Alderaan!". The Blue Meanie was taken straight from the DVD, with the left hand repositioned to hold his Stormtrooper blaster in a well-framed part of the image. I don't recall where I got his right hand; I seem to no longer own the original source image that it came from.

IL-2 Sturmovik Pilot propaganda images or something
IL-2 Sturmovik is a damnably enjoyable World War 2 flight simulator that I play whenever my Saitek Cyborg 3D joystick is being recognized by my games (the PC never has a problem sensing or testing it).
Anywho, 'Todesritter' (Death Knight) is the callsign I felt like developing for myself and my escapades in my little BF 109 Emil-type Messerschmidt (I prefer its weapon layout to the F or G and I like the challenge of its maneuverability issues). So me being me, I crafted up some jibber-jabber in German over some of my early kills. Actually, my first incarnation of the name was 'Todritter', but I was informed this more accurately meant 'Dead Knight', so I quickly changed it (actually, considering my success record of the time, 'Dead Knight' may have been more apropriate...).
The first image basically says "Death is after you! Beware the Death Knight", while I recall the second one reads "The Death Knight is coming! He is sending you to hell!"
Don't feel ashamed; everybody else wet themselves in fear when they heard it, too. :P

Warhammer 40,000 'Happiness Patrol' custom Space Marines Chapter
Originally created by me as custom colors in Dawn of War for the half-joking visual contrast of pink on black (which I soon switched to almost-black red) and heart symbols combined with morbid phrases and imagery. Anywho, I grew fond of it and when I found a PDF application for an old chapter founding competition, I decided to use its simple & clean line-art to render the Happiness Patrol Chapter colors and set their background in stone. I stuck closely with their appearance in DoW despite the freedom (the only real difference is the silvery-white on the backpack and the use of colors on the knees), although I took the opportunity to design veteran/officer/specialist variations and themed markings to give the official scheme some more depth.
This coloring project was a further expansion of my coloring techniques, introducing some proper shading and highlighting I gleamed from Gamers Workshop model painting articles. One layer applied the colors and another overlayed shading and highlights, applied at about 5% pressure (less truly is more in this case).
Some probably notice similarities to the Blood Angels, particularly the use of Sanguinary Priests, a distinctly grim 'Assault Patrol', and their deviations from the Codex for squad markings and company symbol placement (though the squad colors are placed on kneepad markings rather than as helmet colors). After doing some deeper research on the Imperium of Man, I started filling out the information details on the chapter form and looked for an apropriate primogenitor Chapter to list as the source of their genetic modifications. I intended to not make their background overly unique or even have much Codex deviation ("OMG, one of the lost First Founding Chapters! Or a secret Space Wolves successor! *And* it's an all-female Chapter! So special!" Special indeed.), but after checking off several I came upon the Blood Angels and their cursed successors. I then figured an interesting spin could be put on the Chapter's quirky style with only minor adjustments to their style and imagery (I added some grails and wings to banners, rationalized some aethetic differences, and the connections pretty much filled themselves in after that). Long story short, the Chapter's focus on the 'happy' side of honor and servitude, namely their passionate devotion to the Cult Sanguinius and the pleasure of slaughtering the enemies of the Emperor, is an attempt to quell the Black Rage through a conditioned mental barrier by focusing anger and idleness into a state hightened emotion. The resulting changes are greatly superficial and result in the same essential Blood Angel mindset reached from a different angle; In the end, their enjoyment of combat itself and validation through honor makes them a very aggressive and zealous Chapter.

Warhammer 40,000 Coloring, shading, and painting tests (and Mk. V Heresy Armor)
Further experiments in colorization by me, this time with much more emphasis on light & shadow on a conjectured 3D surface. The Space Marine armor was done by observing the patterns on a professionally colored example of the same lineart; I paid attention to where highlights and shading were drawn and which shapes and textures they were trying to convey, and subsequently copied it free-hand. These two have been color-adjusted into random schemes for this example, but the actual work was done for a DIY Chapter I was doing at the time. The lineart for the right suit has been modified to represent a Mk. V Heresy suit, armor which often included a mix of available, superior Mk. IV parts, as this example's thighs and arms convey).
The Ork Boyz plastic figurines were colored using my typical coloration layout, but all highlights were applied with airbrushed colors in the 'color' layer, rather than a separate black & white overlay. In this instance I attempted a fairly quick and simple method to digitally paint a model in a photo with the techniques one would paint them physically. As such, I started with a 'base coat' of dark colors and went over the raised areas with lighter colors, which I usually applied at 1/5th opacity for finer colors.
Pretty spiffy for a guy who can't even draw stick figures, eh?