Just about anything that you did or did not need to read by Utsanomiko that's self-contained and longer than a couple paragraphs.

I'm looking through my stuff for noteworthy articles, but I've managed to find a few that I had on hand. I have some large forum posts which I should proof-read and put up, as well as some plans for photo-essays, so keep an eye or two out for updates.

Developer-Player Miscommunication (Star Wars: Galaxies)
A humorous editorial critiquing the conditions players had to deal with concerning game changes, updates, and news during 2004. Man, and we thought they were giving us garbage back then? I hardly visited the forums during my January-May stint, but I gathered clear enough examples to make this sadly un-exaggerated article. It got a good response from perhaps a dozen players (no developer or correspondent replies) and I've seen it re-posted on some fan sites since, so it might as well go up on the place it came from.

Player-City Dependency on Merchants (Star Wars: Galaxies)
Another SWG article from mid-'04, not as notorious as the previous, I've included this one additionally partially because they were both in the same place on my computer, and because I think it is still a well-written example of my game design mindset and problem-solving skills, albiet an early one. It was probably quite relevant at the time, though I'd suspect nothing written about the game back then will have any relevancy by 2006.

Motherf***ing Eva Dub!!! SMAAASH!!! (rant/review)
Warning: Article contains strong language. Heck, the title itself is profanity.
The spell-checked version of a post rushed out in November 2003 following a viewing of the first episode of Evangelion in the English dub. Despite being a fan of the series in its original language and even watching it dubbed once in entirety (though the later was done during my year at University of Iowa, so my mind was probably quite blown at the time), a second viewing compelled me to rant and review its failures, although I made the effort to do it with excessive language and harshness for the sake of amusement and the need to vent. It's included for what I stil see as an accurate criticism of ADV's dubbing on this series; greatly miscast, excessive changes in emotions, and crutial story information replaced with red-herrings and puns. Regardless of the quality and meaning of the series, what the dub conveys is something altogether different. A lot of dubbing companies do more than simply stick ADR crews in front of a mic and have them read lines, and they do better than ADV's example here. Eva's dub remains the third worst dub I've ever heard.
Also, it should be noted that I won't actually punch Spike Spencer if I see him. But I'll be sure to tell him just how much he sucks, always sounds like the exact same character, and he needs to drop the radio voice. Or maybe I'll just squawk at him.

© 2005 Head Cancer Productions, James H. DeYarman II